Cook Solutions Group

Risk Assessments & Security Consulting

We know security and the banking industry, both physical and logical. Our unique approach will expose where the equipment risk vulnerabilities lie, where cybersecurity blind spots hide, and where penetration threats are hidden.

The objective of Risk Assessments and Security Consulting is to validate your existing program or policies against regulator and industry standards, identify gaps, and enhance risk-based program development.
Risk Assessments & Security Consulting | Cook Solutions Group

How do Equipment Risk Assessments protect Banks, Credit Unions and other highly regulated facilities?

Equipment risk assessments play a crucial role in safeguarding banks and credit unions by identifying potential risks associated with the use of various equipment and machinery. Here's how they help protect financial institutions:

  1. Identify Vulnerabilities: Equipment risk assessments pinpoint vulnerabilities in machinery and technology used by banks and credit unions. This includes ATMs, computers, security systems, and more. By identifying weak points, institutions can take proactive steps to address them and prevent potential failures or security breaches.
  2. Mitigate Operational Risks: These assessments help institutions manage operational risks. They evaluate the reliability of equipment, ensuring that critical functions such as cash handling, data processing, and security systems are dependable. By addressing equipment issues, banks and credit unions can minimize disruptions to their daily operations.
  3. Enhance Security: Assess the security features of equipment, identifying potential weaknesses that could be exploited by criminals. This is particularly important in financial institutions where security breaches can have severe consequences. By enhancing equipment security, banks and credit unions can protect customer data and financial assets.
  4. Compliance: Banks and credit unions are subject to regulatory requirements. Equipment risk assessments help ensure compliance with these regulations, as they often require institutions to maintain certain standards for their equipment. Non-compliance with regulatory standards can lead to fines and legal complications.
  5. Cost Savings: By identifying potential equipment issues before they become critical, risk assessments can help financial institutions avoid costly equipment failures or emergency repairs. This can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.
  6. Continuity of Service: Ensuring that equipment is in good working condition helps maintain the continuity of services provided by banks and credit unions. Customers rely on these services, and any disruption can lead to dissatisfaction and potential loss of business.

In conclusion, conducting equipment risk assessments for equipment is a forward-thinking strategy that enables banks and credit unions to pinpoint and alleviate possible threats linked to their machines and technology. By tackling weak points, boosting security, and maintaining regulatory compliance, these financial entities can safeguard their operations, assets, and the confidence of their customers.

Equipment Risk Assessment Overview:

  • Specifically designed for banks, credit unions and other highly regulated facilities.
  • Assist you in adapting and managing the ever-changing risk landscape, such as the transition to remote work locations.
  • Implement or update your workplace violence threat management strategy, executive protection program, and cyber defense.
  • Add critical content to “boilerplate” security program policies and guidelines.
  • Increase your security program’s risk-based methodology.
  • Access to an extensive laundry list of services.
  • Cost-effective – flexible monthly cost options​.​
  • Policy/procedure updates based on new landscape.​

Whether it's your video surveillance system, access control, alarms, or systems and processes, we are here to help you assess your security needs. We provide both one-time audits and on-going support to ensure your assets and people are protected.

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Equipment Risk Assessments and Security Consulting:

The objective of Equipment Risk Assessments and Security Consulting is to validate your existing program or policies against regulator and industry standards, identify gaps, and enhance risk-based program development.

‍5 Leading Threats:

  • Data Breach
  • IoT Vulnerabilities
  • Ransomware
  • Cash-out Schemes
  • ATM | ITM Jackpotting & Skimming
Professional Service Team working together


The Cook Solutions Group National Coverage Value Added Reseller (VAR) and Certified Subcontractors network brings the innovative and transformational solutions of Cook Solutions Group to vendors and Financial Institutions across the country. Our Remote View ATM/ITM managed services technology is an easy add on solution for our National Coverage Value Added Reseller's to implement to their ATM, ITM, and video customers.  The core of the Remote View product lines is our Cook Command Center.  Cook Command Center is a secure centralized web interface enabling you to view your equipment anytime, anywhere, on ANY device. View current status and request service for your entire fleet through our dashboard. Maximize uptime, protection, and compliance.  CSG also provides a full line of Professional Services such as ITM server hosting and our own video management system, PIKO Video Surveillance.  

Perform Vendor Due Diligence:

Cook Solutions Group Vendor Due Diligence Checklist

Vendor Due Diligence in the Cyber Threat Era: Is your vendor cyber compliant? And, have controls in place or are they putting your brand at risk?

With today’s increasing cyber threats, ransomware & data breach attacks, heightened banking regulations, bank protection act, and increased need for life safety it is extremely important to perform due diligence on your security and ATM vendors. These reviews assure that your vendor or potential vendor is cyber compliant, financially stable, meets regulatory laws, carries the proper insurance coverage and limits, and has an ethically sound and strong corporate structure.

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