Cook Solutions Group

Strategic Workshop & Executive Readiness Test

December 4, 2023
Strategic Workshop & Executive Readiness Test

Strategic Discovery Workshop

The Cook Security Group Strategic Discovery Workshop is a C-level executive meeting to help FI’s define and formulate their digital and video banking strategy as it relates to their customers & members. Then we develop a comprehensive plan to help you define the scope of a large conversion or upgrade video banking deployment, and in most cases, the scope of the initial video banking project or initial ITM / Active Teller deployment.

This guide has been created to help you participate in and conduct the Strategic Discovery Workshop. Every group will have your own style and this guide is only intended to provide suggestions on the flow and possible questions to ask to facilitate the discussion.

The discovery workshop is typically scheduled for a half-day session, either on a conference call or as an in-person meeting. This workshop is for your team to better understand your objectives, goals, and priorities; if there are discussion points outside of the topics listed below that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to bring them to our attention during the Business Discovery Workshop.‍


This will vary but should include:

  • Executive Sponsor
  • Retail Bank Executive
  • IT representative
  • ATM Executive
  • Facilities representative
  • Financial representative
  • Others as deemed necessary

The intent is to help you work out the details of the project plan and to reach a consensus on the initial project. Throughout the workshop, we will question, examine, and suggest ways to implement the project minimizing the pain points and gaining valuable insights without compromising your priorities or success criteria.

Long-Term Objectives Discussion

Objectives usually breakdown into a combination of:

  • Reduce Costs
  • Increase Revenue
  • Improve Customer Service
  • Additional reasoning can usually be captured under one of these larger headings
  • Capture the comments during this discussion as it will help develop the overall strategy

Executive Readiness Test

We are reaching out to our customers’ executive teams to help prepare for the ongoing “new norm” in response to COVID-19. Typically, this is the C-level team responsible for adapting strategy and protecting your institution’s assets, brand, and health.

While no one really knows how long COVID-19 will last, most agree that things will most likely never go back to the way they used to be, rather they will have created this new normal under a new risk landscape that continues to evolve. This created the need for a COVID-19 Executive Readiness Test.

Branches are implementing solutions combining new onsite equipment with remote technology to keep employees, customers/members safe. This includes increased use of digital technologies, cloud services, AI, machine learning, and secure remote services.

We also, see an increase in remote employees with the discovery that many jobs can be performed safely and more efficient remotely. With this virtual shift requires updated policies & procedures and magnifies the need for increased cybersecurity compliant equipment, services, and vendors.

As security professionals, our goal is to help our customers assess their readiness, review their rating, and help formulate a plan. One positive in this process is it will make institutions safer, more efficient, and operationally prepared in the future.

If you lack the resources or time to perform the test, or your executive team would like to clarify any of the sections, please contact us today.

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