Conveyance is a check image capturing tool which enables check deposit abilities at ATMs | ITMs. As consumer experience gets better and better, the back-end continues to be difficult for your employees. Conveyance is here to improve operational efficiencies. Conveyance creates and transfers an x937 (FED file) for your imaging ATMs | ITMs.
Conveyance is a check image capturing tool which enables check deposit abilities at ATMs | ITMs. As consumer experience gets better and better, the back-end continues to be difficult for your employees. Conveyance is here to improve operational efficiencies. Conveyance creates and transfers an x937 (FED file) for your imaging ATMs | ITMs.
Hosted is an accessible server spun up for only your organization & is typically more expensive than a cloud environment. Cloud is an accessible server previously existing therefore reducing in-house management without compromising quality.
Conveyance is compatible with all major check processing companies. Part of the personalized setup includes full compatibility with your ecosystem.
Conveyance captures check images and the associated data on the terminal and transmits those images and associated data to your item processor of choice, or to your review process.